SRSMT and Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital are the only NGO in Ambala Cantt that is providing Lunch, Dinner, toiletries like bathing soap, washing soap, etc to 400+ Migrants laborers accommodated in Lucky Farm on Ambala-Jagadhari road. With the announcement of Lockdown 2, no other NGO from Ambala Cantt came forward and the SRSMT/RACGH team of volunteers willingly decided to continue this humanitarian task with the support of Donors.DC Ambala appreciated the efforts of this team in a meeting convened earlier this week. Sharing few photos of people having lunch, dinner by following norms of Physical Distance. The continuous efforts and enthusiasm of the Team of Volunteers are most appreciable. About 1800 Chapatis for lunch continue to be prepared in the Boys’ Hostel of ACE.