ERCP prevented the patient from undergoing Open Surgery

Patient Rajani Devi was referred from the General Surgery Department of Dr. Jai Dev Memorial Rotary Ambala Hospital for severe abdominal pain due to a large stone in the cannabidiol (CBD). For further diagnosis, Dr. Hardeep Singh, a gastroenterologist and hepatologist, decided to perform magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), which showed a large CBD stone of around 18 mm. Not only was the stone an issue, but the other problem was an extremely narrow distal. The patient was expla...

Critical Patient Recovery from Brain Damage with acute infarcts (stroke)

The patient came with right-sided weakness and inability to speak since 1 day. MRI of the brain showed brain damage with acute infarcts (stroke) in the left side of the brain. Angiography of the brain was done which showed severely narrowed blood vessels through which blood was not going properly inside the brain. Intraarterial medicines were infused in the brain arteries in our advanced cath lab with which blood vessels regained their normal diameter and flow of blood. Her symptoms improved ...

Critical Patient Recovery Suffering from Myasthenia Gravis

Mr. Rakesh Joshi who is presently 41 years old was suffering from weakness of hands and fatigability for 3 years. He was still undiagnosed after taking rounds of many different hospitals with this long history of illness till he reached Rotary Ambala Cancer and General Hospital, Ambala Cantt in the year 2020. With state-of-the-art neurological facilities available in the hospital our team was able to diagnose him having Myasthenia Gravis (It is a disease that causes weakness due to the commun...