Critical, Pain & Palliative Care Specialist
MBBS, MD (Anesthesiology), PDF (Liver Transplant and HPB Anesthesia), IDCCM (Critical Care)
Dr. Sharma, after completing his MBBS, did his MD in Anesthesiology. He then did his super specialization in Liver Transplant and HPB Anesthesia from Global Hospital Chennai. After completing his super specializations, he joined the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGI) Chandigarh and did his senior residency. During his residency, he polished his skills and learned about Pain and Palliative care Management.
Following his passion, he joined Fortis Hospital, Mohali as an Associate Consultant and got his degree in Critical Care by completing his IDCCM (Indian Diploma in Critical Care) from the Society of Critical Care India.
His achievements include various National and International Publications. He is a Certified ENLS (Emergency Neurological Life Support) provider by the Neurocritical Care Society, New York, and an ACLS provider by the American heart association (AHA).
He has been given various awards which include:
- International Scholar for the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists Post Graduate Assembly 2015.
- Best paper award at SAARC-AA 2015 Congress.
- Travel Grant for Liver Transplant Symposium 2015 Singapore.
- Fellowship training program in anesthesiology in AARS-WFSA-XIJING Training Center, China by WFSA in 2018.
His sole purpose is to uplift critical and palliative care medicine through helping patients and team building with other specialties and super-specialties. He is an Intensivist with the necessary training and expertise in the evaluation and management of critically ill patients.
Our priority at RACGH with the help of Dr. Sharma is to save as many lives as possible within realistic expectations. To meet the highest standards, we try to provide total care for the patients by involving doctors from different specialties as may be deemed necessary.
The Intensive Care Unit is a State-Of-The-Art Unit with twenty-five Critical Care beds segregated into different ICUs to provide more focused care as per the established protocols. Our ICUs are managed with the belief that well-planned Critical Care Services and implementation do influence overall outcomes and quality parameters like morality, ICU length of stay, infection, rates, etc.
We have isolation cubicles with negative-pressure air flows. Adequate Nursing Care around the clock. We have the latest equipment for patient management including a high-end Central Nursing Monitoring Station, Advanced Ventilators for Invasive/Non-Invasive Mechanical Ventilation, and Defibrillators. We at RACGH are also fully equipped with a bedside Dialysis Unit for Renal Support in ICU, Bedside Echocardiography, Endoscopy, and Colonoscopy.
At RACGH, The critical care team also has a point care Ultrasound Machine to assist in all the bedside procedures related to patient management. Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring to assist in the assessment & management of all critically ill patients.
The trained Critical Care Team makes every effort to optimize the nutrition status of the patient in consultation with the in-house dietician. Our goal is to practice Evidence-Based Medicine and incorporate the latest guidelines in patient care management to achieve the best possible patient outcomes
Services Offered
- Twenty-Five Critical Care Beds
- Customized Nursing Care
- Two Negative Pressure Isolation Cubicles
- Continuous Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring
- Bedside Renal Replacement Therapy (Dialysis)
- Point-of-Care Diagnostic
- Bedside Endoscopy/Colonoscopy
- Focused Rehabilitation & Early Mobilization
Specialized ICUs
- 24*7 Medical Intensive Care Unit
- 24*7 Surgical Intensive Care Unit
- 24*7 Brain & Stroke Trauma Unit
- 24*7 Cardiac Critical Care Unit
- 24*7 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- 24*7 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit/Newborn Intensive Care Unit
Specialized Palliative Care
- 24*7 Pain & Palliative Care Management Unit
- 24*7 Chemotherapy Unit, which specializes in both Pediatric and Adult patients.
Critical Care Team